Mickey, the entalhador, reveals a connection to darrow's past through his knowledge of the octobernacht masks and his understanding of. After mickey agrees to the carving, he starts his work on darrow. Darrow against all odds survives the procedure. Darrow now begins to train as his post carving treatment is. He's been learning the ascomani carving techniques and will swoop in at the end of lb to take darrow to recarve into a literal red god, he'll have the red skin and modification that can resist.
Darrow against all odds survives the procedure. Darrow now begins to train as his post carving treatment is. He's been learning the ascomani carving techniques and will swoop in at the end of lb to take darrow to recarve into a literal red god, he'll have the red skin and modification that can resist. Quotes from mickey from the red rising saga by pierce brown.