And, because morvran's in novigrad himself, he's not a threat to the north, so really they have more incentive to keep him there than to kill him. Weirdly, for a noble, morvran voorhis seems. Morvran voorhis is a siege gwent hero card in the witcher 3: Wild hunt and part of the nilfgaardian empire deck. Talking about morvran voorhis, the nilfgaardian noble who serves as emhyrs intermediary with geralt on several occasions and unexpected bro on a couple more.
Morvran voorhis is a siege gwent hero card in the witcher 3: Wild hunt and part of the nilfgaardian empire deck. Talking about morvran voorhis, the nilfgaardian noble who serves as emhyrs intermediary with geralt on several occasions and unexpected bro on a couple more. From the start of the. Morvran voorhis is a character/npc in the witcher 3: