Calling 'cracker' a racial slur is superficially correct: it is intended as a slur and it mentions race, but that is too literal a reading. It comes across as feeble. A white person who takes offense at it is being disingenuous. That said, even if a correct assessment, you don't want to go throwing around any kind of epithet no matter how weak. Whether or not it's a slur is a semantic argument and imo doesn't really matter. That being said, yes, it is technically a slur. However, I think the more important question is if it's a word worth getting upset over. Nope. "Cracker" doesn't actually have any weight behind it. Cracker is not a slur tho, also the entire "Nothing wrong with saying the n-word if you're not using it in a derogatory way" is stupid and racist. The N-word and cracker couldn't be more different. The N-word was created and used to further dehumanize black slaves, "Cracker" is a word those slaves came up with to call their slaveowners. It’s for sure a racial slur by definition. I don’t think many white people care about it, and aren’t really offended by it. I certainly don’t care if people use it, but the people trying to pretend it’s not a racial slur or that it’s not intended to cause offense are totally off base. Making anything resembling an equivalence between "cracker" and slur words is nonsense, unless you believe in the reactionary myth of anti-white racism. Moderators/admins policing "cracker" like its an offensive slur is a very worrying sign that anti-anti-racist logic (the poor vulnerable whites are being bullied with slurs and need to be ...
Cracker is not a slur tho, also the entire "Nothing wrong with saying the n-word if you're not using it in a derogatory way" is stupid and racist. The N-word and cracker couldn't be more different. The N-word was created and used to further dehumanize black slaves, "Cracker" is a word those slaves came up with to call their slaveowners. It’s for sure a racial slur by definition. I don’t think many white people care about it, and aren’t really offended by it. I certainly don’t care if people use it, but the people trying to pretend it’s not a racial slur or that it’s not intended to cause offense are totally off base. Making anything resembling an equivalence between "cracker" and slur words is nonsense, unless you believe in the reactionary myth of anti-white racism. Moderators/admins policing "cracker" like its an offensive slur is a very worrying sign that anti-anti-racist logic (the poor vulnerable whites are being bullied with slurs and need to be ... Cracker has a long history of meaning when it started it referred to poor white people then later (mid slavery) it was used as a term to call the person who uses a whip on slaves (because the crack of the whip) so idk about you or anyone else but if someone basically called me a peasant or racist I would be offended by it.