

(the performance of) words that are believed to have a magical effect when spoken or sung: An incantation, spell, charm, enchantment, or bewitchery is a magical formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person or objects. The formula can be spoken, sung, or chanted.

The meaning of incantation is a use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic; A written or recited formula of words designed to produce a particular. Six years ago, li ronan was cursed after breaking a religious taboo. Now, she must protect her daughter from the consequences of her actions. Watch trailers & learn more.

Six years ago, li ronan was cursed after breaking a religious taboo. Now, she must protect her daughter from the consequences of her actions. Watch trailers & learn more. Six years ago, li ronan was cursed after breaking a religious taboo. Now, she must protect her daughter from the consequences of her actions.

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Incantation (2022)
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Scene from the movie "Incantation" : r/artstation